1.1 Definition: The faculty of the Department of Pediatrics and Human Development will be composed of all persons within the Department who are appointed under the rules of tenure, Health Program (HP) Faculty Appointment System or temporary academic, adjunct or clinical appointment at the level of instructor or above.

1.2 Faculty Responsibility: The faculty will counsel the Chair in formulating major policy decisions affecting departmental personnel and programs, especially matters pertaining to promotions, tenure and research, recognizing that the ultimate responsibility for such decisions must rest with the Chair.

1.3 Voting Faculty on Internal Matters: While all faculty identified in 1.1 are to be considered members of the Department of Pediatrics and Human Development, voting privileges will be extended to all faculty except adjunct and clinical faculty serving without compensation, and to faculty whose University appointment is for less than six months in duration.

1.4 Voting Faculty on External Matters: On external matters (external to the department and college), the voting faculty shall consist of those persons appointed under rules of tenure of the University, HP Faculty Appointment System, or temporary appointments whose names appear on the approved list published by the College of Human Medicine for College matters and in accord with University Bylaws for University matters.

On external matters, a faculty member jointly appointed in two or more units may vote only once in a given election; the faculty member shall vote in the Department of Pediatrics and Human Development if this department has primary responsibility for initiating personnel action as indicated in the multiple appointment form filed in the Office of the Provost.

1.5 Identification of the Department Faculty: The Chair shall keep a list of the faculty showing rank, status and details of interdepartmental shared time.

1.6 Procedure for New Appointments: The Chair will initiate discussion and seek approval of all new academic appointments during a meeting of the Executive Committee. Appointments of new faculty members will be formally announced by the Chair at department faculty meetings.

1.7 Meetings of the Faculty: These may be attended by any member of the Department, and CHM or graduate students and any staff in the Department, with the exception of meetings dealing with personnel issues.

1.7.1 Faculty meetings will be convened and presided over by the Chair or his/her appointed representative. If there is urgent business, which in the judgment of the Chair or a majority vote of the Executive Committee, needs to be brought to the faculty for consideration, the faculty may be immediately convened for purposes of conducting that urgent business.

1.7.2 Meetings of the faculty will be called at least once a semester.

1.7.3 The Chair is responsible for preparing the agenda for faculty meetings and this responsibility will be carried out with assistance of the Executive Committee.

1.7.4 The beginning and ending time, place, and agenda for regular meetings of the faculty will be posted at least two (2) days in advance of the meeting.

1.7.5 Any faculty member, staff or student may request inclusion of any item of business on the agenda. Such a request may be made directly to the Chair or may be submitted in writing to the Executive Committee at least 8 days prior to the time of the meeting.

1.7.6 For purposes of conducting business, a quorum will consist of 15 percent of the voting faculty as defined in 1.3. Once the department meeting is convened, business shall not continue past the previously announced time of adjournment unless two-thirds of the voting faculty present vote to continue the meeting. Unfinished business may be carried over to the next meeting.

1.7.7 Faculty meeting minutes, including an attendance roster, will be prepared by the Chair's office. These minutes will be available by the time of the next faculty meeting to all members of the Department.


2.1 The chief executive officer of the Department is the Chair.

2.1.1 The Chair has a special obligation to build a department strong in scholarship and teaching capacity and will have responsibility for overseeing educational, research and service programs, budgetary matters, physical facilities and personnel matters in his/her jurisdiction.

2.1.2 The Chair has the ultimate authority and responsibility for the quality of patient care provided by the faculty, as defined in Section 1.1, exclusive of faculty with adjunct and clinical appointments. Said responsibility includes authority to: a) suspend faculty from further patient care, and b) implement advisory peer review of faculty clinical activity.

2.2 The Chair in consultation with the Executive Committee may appoint an Associate Chair. To be eligible for the position, candidates must be appointed under the rules of tenure of the university. The Chair will define the administrative duties of the Associate Chair.

2.3 The voting faculty of the Department, as defined in 1.3, shall collaborate with the Dean in the appointment or continuance of a Chair, recognizing that the ultimate responsibility to make the final decision of a recommendation to the President concerning the appointment or continuance of the Chair rests with the Dean. Before regular renewal of the appointment of a Chair, the Dean shall request input from all members of the Department as defined in 1.3. Either the Dean or a faculty member may initiate this discussion. Any voting member of the Department may request that the Dean review the desirability of continuing the appointment of the Chair.


3.1 The Chair will review the status of each individual East Lansing faculty member at least once during the academic year, assisted by the department’s Advisory Committee on Annual Performance and Merit (see 5.3). This process must be done for faculty in a timely fashion to meet University reappointment, promotion and tenure guidelines. The process will consist of a review of the individual's curriculum vitae and credentials, a meeting between the Chair and the individual to discuss contributions to and position within the faculty structure, along with the individual’s plans for the future and his/her priorities. The Chair will inform each faculty member of the results in writing within three (3) months of their meeting.

3.2 Faculty shall be informed of the factors used for the annual review. Faculty performance evaluations will help determine merit salary adjustments and will be reflected in reappointment, promotion and tenure preparation. Assigned duties and percent assignments are to be considered in all evaluations.

3.3 Following completion of the annual review process, the Chair will make recommendations for further review for reappointment, promotion and/or tenure to the Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure (RPT) Committee (see 5.4 below). The Chair’s review will take place in sufficient time for this consultation with the RPT Committee. The RPT Committee will then independently review all faculty eligible for reappointment, promotion and tenure, and submit a list of faculty to be reviewed in the next cycle to the Chair early enough for definitive planning.

3.4 In November of each year, the Chair will review the "Tenure System Reappointment and Promotion" and "Review of Health Program Faculty" lists provided by the Assistant Provost and Assistant Vice President for Academic Human Resources. The Chair will meet with the Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure Committee to discuss and ensure that no faculty member in either the tenure system or HP Appointment System has been overlooked. This meeting will take place in time to submit the final list to the Dean.

3.5 University policy dictates that recommendations for tenure-system faculty appointments, reappointments, promotion and tenure, extensions of probationary periods, promotion and tenure originate in the primary academic units. Peer-review procedures for reappointment for faculty are as defined by the rules of tenure,* HP as defined by the HP Faculty Appointment System, and temporary faculty by the end-date appointment subject to renewal. This process is in addition to annual reviews. This peer review process in CHM serves the University objectives of maintaining and improving academic strength and quality. The Chair shall trigger the process for all faculty in order to meet the appropriate deadline dates as outlined in Appendix I. The Chair shall provide all faculty notification of deadline dates established by the college and university.


4.1 Purpose: The purpose of standing committees is to advise the Chair on departmental matters.

4.2 Nominations and Elections of Members:

4.2.1 Nomination for vacancies on standing committees of the department, college and university will be solicited from the faculty. Self-nominations will be encouraged. Should insufficient nominations be forthcoming, a nominating committee consisting of chairs of all departmental standing committees will nominate candidates for vacancies in their respective committees and for any other department, college or university committees. Nominations will be solicited for departmental standing committees in coordination with nominations for college, university and other appropriate committees. The number of candidates for each committee vacancy will not exceed five and will be proportionate to the number of vacancies. The Chair and any department members already holding offices on three committees will not be eligible for nomination.

4.2.2 Departmental committee elections will be held by mail or e-mail ballot in the spring of each year. Members will assume office on the first day of September and serve until the last day of August for terms of office specified for each committee.

4.2.3 The Chair and the administrative staff will administer elections and report the results to the faculty and the Office of the Dean. Copies of this report will be available in the office of the Department Chair.

4.2.4 Balloting will take place by secret ballot. Election will be by simple majority of those voting.

4.2.5 All voting members of the department are eligible for membership on committees, except the Chair and members already participating on three committees. An attempt will be made to include each member of the department on at least one committee. Nominees should be asked whether or not they wish to run for election before their name is listed on the ballot. The Department Chair will serve in an Ex-Officio capacity on all committees.

4.2.6 Standing committees will elect a chair from their own membership to serve for up to two (2) years.

4.2.7 In order to address issues of diversity and pluralism on standing committees, before election ballots are finalized, the Chair will review the ballot to assure that women and minority faculty are adequately represented. For all committees, the principles of diversity and pluralism will be followed.

4.2.8 For voting purposes a quorum is required. A quorum is defined as a simple majority of the total membership of the committee.

4.3 Minutes and Reports

4.3.1 Each committee will keep minutes of its meetings. The minutes of each committee, after being approved by that committee, will be forwarded to the Department Chair for information. Copies of the minutes of each committee will be kept on file in the Department Chair’s office.

4.3.2 Each standing committee of the department will report on its activities to the faculty at least two times per year.

4.3.3 Each standing committee will forward its official proposals to the Chair for consideration of presentation to the faculty of the department.

4.4 Filling Unexpected Vacancies on Standing Committees

Should an unexpected vacancy occur on a departmental standing committee (due
to illness, death, resignation/termination, etc.) and that vacancy creates difficulty in fulfilling the departmental charge to that particular committee, an announcement seeking nominations to fill the vacancy will be made by the Chair or his/her designee at a regularly scheduled faculty meeting. Failing to receive a nomination or receiving only one nomination, the Chair, after conferring with the Executive Committee, may then appoint a replacement. This person would then serve until a spring election to fill the vacancy for the completion of the unexpired term. Should more than one nomination be received by the Chair, a special election by mail ballot will be held and the winner, by majority vote, will be awarded that committee vacancy until the original term of the previous member expires.

4.5 Other Standing Committees

Other standing committees may be established upon recommendation of the Executive Committee and approval of the Faculty.


5.1 Executive Committee

The Executive Committee will coordinate administrative functions of the department. This committee will be composed of the Chair, up to twelve (12) assistants to the Chair, and at least two (2) elected members. The assistants to the Chair will be appointed by the Chair from among the faculty as defined in 1.3. Meetings will take place at least bimonthly, as determined by the Chair for purposes of advising the Chair. Additional meetings may be called at any time at the request of either the Department Chair or members of the committee. Elected members will serve for a term of two (2) years, not to exceed two consecutive terms.

Each campus may select a faculty member to serve as its community representative to the Executive Committee. The term of service shall be determined by each respective community.

5.2 The Research Committee

The Research Committee is responsible for promoting research activities in the department. Responsibilities include helping to set research priorities for the department, reviewing faculty member grant applications, advising the Executive Committee on allotment of departmental research funds, overseeing the annual research day and other research seminars, and advocating for research.

The Research Committee will advise the Chair regarding allocation of salary savings dollars to faculty who have been awarded external funding.

The Research Committee will be composed of 4-7 members, appointed by the Chair, to include both basic and clinical researchers and the residency program director or his/her delegate. Members will serve for a term of two (2) years, not to exceed two consecutive terms, with a possible extension to three (3) terms at the discretion of the Department Chair. Meetings will take place at least bimonthly. Additional meetings may be called at any time at the request of either the Department Chair or members of the committee.

5.3 Advisory Committee on Annual Performance and Merit

The Advisory Committee on Annual Performance and Merit will advise the Chair regarding East Lansing based faculty performance and productivity in relation to the annual review and merit increase process, using objective criteria and respecting faculty confidentiality. It will be composed of three faculty members:1 full professor, 1 associate professor and 1 assistant professor. Additional members may be appointed at the discretion of the department Chair. The committee shall include at least one M.D. and one Ph.D. Each member will serve a 3-year term, not to exceed two consecutive terms.

5.4 Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure Committee

5.4.1 The Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure (RPT) Committee is responsible for the implementation of the peer review process to serve the University objective of improving academic strength and quality among its faculty. The RPT Committee shall be advisory to the Chair and to the Dean. The peer-review process is outlined in Appendix I. Specific criteria for standardizing peer-review evaluations are listed in Appendix II.

5.4.2 The RPT Committee shall provide:
a) Peer review for faculty being considered for promotion, reappointment and/or tenure.
b) Peer review for faculty being considered for post-tenure review.

5.4.3 The RPT Committee will be made up of both physician and non-physician faculty members of the department, with distribution of the two (2) categories being based roughly on their relative proportion in the department. The committee shall consist of seven (7) members, of which at least one shall be an instructor or assistant professor, one associate professor, one full professor, and one HP faculty. The committee should add additional members from within the department or outside the department as needed to achieve representation by women and minorities. The committee may add additional members in a specific field of expertise at the request of the candidate. This shall be done in consultation with the Department Chair.

5.4.4 One-third of the RPT Committee shall be elected on a yearly basis, except that every third year three (3) members shall be elected. Each member will serve three (3) years, not to exceed two consecutive terms. It is expected that non-tenured, HP, annually appointed faculty and junior faculty will have an opportunity to participate in the promotion and tenure review process.

5.4.5 The RPT Committee will independently review all faculty eligible for promotion, reappointment or tenure in sufficient time for consultation with the Department Chair, pursuant to procedures set forth in Appendix I. Additionally, the committee will conduct incremental faculty reviews as follows:

Assistant Professor Every three (3) years
Associate Professor Every five (5) years
Professor Every six (6) years
HP System Faculty One-Year Prior to Reappointment

5.4.6 The Committee will generate a list of those individuals who they feel should be considered for further reappointment, promotion and/or tenure. This list will be submitted to the Department Chair.

5.4.7 A quorum to conduct business shall consist of four members. Recommendations of the Committee shall be made by a majority vote of the members present at a meeting at which there is a quorum. No member of the Committee will engage in any deliberations or voting on his/her own reappointment, promotion or tenure (or salary). S/he shall be absent himself/herself from the proceedings during such time.


6.1 Ad Hoc committees may be established as needed provided that a standing committee does not already cover the area proposed for study.

6.2 If the committee is to be involved in policy decisions the members will be elected. If, on the other hand, the committee is only involved in implementation of policy the members may be selected by the Chair and serve at his/her pleasure.


7.1 After receiving notification from the University and/or College of Human Medicine Dean's office, the Chair or his/her designee will announce vacancies on University and/or College committees. Nominations for vacancies will be solicited from the faculty and election of representatives will be by simple majority vote of ballots cast by the voting faculty.


8.1 Any Michigan State University faculty member with the rank of professor, associate professor, assistant professor, lecturer, instructor, assistant instructor, research associate, specialist, or librarian may initiate a grievance procedure alleging violation of existing policies or established practices by an administrator, by filing a complaint with the Faculty Grievance Official (FGO) pursuant to the procedures set forth in the MSU Faculty Handbook ( The provisions of that document allow administrative review of any grievance prior to or during the pendency of a grievance. Any grievance under administrative review shall be held in abeyance until the review is completed or terminated at the request of grievant.
8.2 A grievance may be initiated and processed at the department, college or university level. In order to establish and retain access to the formal hearing mechanisms at any level (department, college, or university), a faculty member must submit a written grievance statement to the FGO within 30 days of his/her first knowledge of the alleged violation. The grievance statement shall set forth the alleged violation of existing policy or established practices, a concise statement of the facts relevant to the grievance, the name of any administrator(s) whose action is at issue, the approximate date on which the alleged action took place, and the redress sought

8.3 Within 10 days of receipt of the grievance, the FGO shall forward a copy to the respondent(s) named, and inform the parties in writing of decisions that he/she has made with respect to all of the following:

  • Whether the grievant has standing under the Faculty Grievance Procedure.
  • Whether the grievance has been filed in a timely fashion.
  • Whether the grievance identifies the appropriate respondent(s).
  • Whether the grievance adequately identifies the existing policies and/or established practices alleged to have been violated, misapplied, or misinterpreted.
  • Whether the grievance contains an adequate statement of the facts relevant to the complaint.
  • Whether the redress being sought conforms to existing policy and procedures in the appropriate unit of the University.
  • Whether any other jurisdictional or procedural issue(s) need to be decided as part of the initiation of a grievance, and if so, an explanation regarding the matter(s) so decided.

8.4 All parties have the right to appeal the FGO's decisions by filing a written statement accompanied by supporting rationale with the FGO within 10 days of the issuance of such decisions, as outlined in the MSU Faculty Handbook:


9.1 The Executive Committee shall be the group charged with interpretation of the Bylaws with the final authority resting with the faculty.

9.2 Amendments to these Bylaws may be proposed in writing to the Executive Committee as an agenda item for any ordinary faculty meeting. If included on the agenda, the written proposal will be circulated to the faculty with the agenda. Should the proposal meet with the favor of the regularly convened faculty composing a quorum, they will indicate by simple majority vote whether final submission of the proposal to the voting faculty shall be undertaken. If approved, the Executive Committee will conduct a mail ballot election, i.e., prepare, distribute, collect and tally the votes and will report the results of the election to the faculty. A simple majority of the votes in the department is required for passage of an amendment.

9.3 Review of these Bylaws must be undertaken not later than three (3) years from the date of approval by the voting facility of the Department.

These Bylaws, as revised, replace the existing Bylaws of the Department.


The Chair shall notify all faculty members in May of the requirements and deadlines for promotion and/or tenure review in the following academic year. Special notice will be given to faculty members whose review will be required for reappointment in the tenure system. This notification will be in writing.

Individual faculty members shall notify the Chair of their intent to be reviewed for promotion and/or tenure by September 1. This notification will be in writing.

Individual faculty members (candidates) requesting review shall submit the following materials to the RPT Committee by October 1.

a) Identified sections of the MSU form “Recommendation for Reappointment, Promotion or Tenure.”
b) A written statement describing the significance of their work as it relates to established criteria in each of the categories under evaluation.
c) A list of a minimum of six names of referees from the relevant academic professional community shall be provided to the committee by each candidate. For promotion to associate professor within the HP or tenure system, the candidate must include the names of at least two references from outside the University. For promotion to professor the candidate must include the names of at least four references from outside the University. The RPT Committee may request additional references as needed.
d) The candidate will further identify the specific performance-review categories that each reference should be able to address. The specific performance-review categories are as follows: 1) Teaching and Instruction, 2) Research, Creative and Scholarly Activities, 3) Public Service and Clinical Service, and 4) Committee and Administrative Service.
e) Copies of publications, papers, presentations, instructional units, evaluation instruments and other materials prepared by the candidate during the past probationary period should be provided to the RPT Committee.

The RPT Committee shall conduct a full review. This review will include but will not be limited to the following actions:

a) Request review from at least four referees named by the candidate for promotion to associate professor, and when requesting tenure, two of the letters must come from outside the University. For promotion to professor the committee must request six letters, four of which must come from outside the University.
b) The RPT Committee may request external review from additional relevant referees not on the candidate’s list. The candidate will be notified, in writing, of such referees.
c) Request letters to referees will include, but not be limited to:
1. A statement of university and department criteria for promotion to the rank requested by the candidate.
2. The specific area they are to comment on and specific questions they are to address.
3. Any materials the RPT Committee determines relevant to the internal review process, and possible external review of the candidate’s dossier.
d) The RPT Committee will consider all the material available to it and rate the candidate within each of the performance review categories.
e) Committee members vote to recommend or not to recommend the candidate for promotion, reappointment and/or tenure. There will be an opportunity for the candidate to
confer with the RPT Committee before an official recommendation is made.
f) The chairperson of the RPT Committee shall prepare a report for the Department Chair. This report will include a description of the review process, the complete dossier including external letters reviewed by the committee, a summary
of the positive and negative qualifications of the candidate, and conclusions and recommendations of the RPT Committee. A minority report may also be prepared and submitted to the Department Chair.

The RPT Committee reviews the report(s) for consistency with department and University guidelines. Any discrepancies with University procedures must be documented and addressed.

The Department Chair makes judgment taking into consideration peer evaluations, and will communicate the recommendation of the RPT Committee and the decision of the Chair to the candidate, in writing, at least two weeks prior to the Chair’s deadline for submitting recommendations to the Office of the Dean. This communication shall include a summary of the positive and negative qualifications of the candidate that were crucial in the review process.

Upon notification, the candidate will have the opportunity to confer with, orally or in writing, the RPT Committee as a whole and/or the Chair before a final recommendation is submitted to the Dean.

Appropriate documentation shall be maintained by the Department Chair. Each candidate’s form “Recommendation for Reappointment, Promotion or Tenure” will be made part of the candidate’s promotion and tenure file, and will be available to the candidate and to future RPT Committees upon request.

In the event a candidate is not satisfied with either the decision made by the RPT Committee and/or with the faithfulness with which the Committee executed the above procedures, the candidate may confer with the committee as a whole, as specified in STEP 5. The candidate may also confer with and/or make representations to the Department Chair and can appeal the decision. Should the candidate not be satisfied with the results of the appeal, the candidate may file a grievance under the provisions of the university and department grievance procedures, pursuant to procedures set forth in Article 7.



Application of Criteria:

The criteria listed below are meant to offer a template whereby the Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure (RPT) Committee can, after careful consideration, recommend faculty as eligible for reappointment, promotion, or tenure. The Advisory Committee on Annual Performance and Merit may also utilize these criteria. These criteria are meant as general guidelines and are not intended to be rigid or all-inclusive. Criteria are to be reviewed for each faculty member so that the committees can recognize the faculty member as either meeting basic, distinguished or outstanding criteria in the context of his/her percent assignment, for each of the following 4 performance review categories:

  1. Teaching and Instruction
  2. Research, Creative and Scholarly Activities
  3. Public Service and Clinical Service
  4. Committee and Administrative Service

Scoring System:

In considering each candidate, committee members will assign a score for each category as follows:

  1. Lack of attainment of basic criteria within a category is given a score of 1.
  2. Attainment of basic criteria within a given category is given a score of 2 or 3.
  3. Attainment of distinguished criteria is given a score of 3 or 4.
  4. Attainment of outstanding criteria is given a score of 4 or 5.

Each committee member then calculates a candidate’s total score. The average total score is calculated by pooling the total scores from each committee member. In general, for reappointment a candidate should have a total score of at least 9. To advance to associate professor a candidate should have a total score of at least 11, and also attain a committee rating of “distinguished” in at least one category. To advance to a full professor a candidate should have a total score of at least 13, and also attain a committee rating of “outstanding” in at least once category.

Specific Criteria by Performance-Review Categories:

I. Teaching and Instruction Category

1. Basic Criteria

a) participates in formal teaching (preclinical, clinical or postgraduate)
b) participates in informal teaching
c) achieves satisfactory evaluation on (a) and (b)
d) fulfills assigned department teaching tasks on a regular basis
e) contributes to curricular and/or course development
f) complies with the Michigan State University Code of Teaching Responsibilities

2. Distinguished Criteria

a) assessed as above-average teacher by learners and colleagues (including formal teaching evaluations)
b) above-average participation in department teaching
c) leadership in department or CHM teaching projects including course and course development
d) makes innovative and/or creative contributions to department and/or CHM instructional programs
e) award nomination for teaching effort
f) curriculum committee membership
g) external recognition of course and/or curriculum

3. Outstanding Criteria

a) leadership in department and/or CHM teaching efforts
b) obtains external grant support for teaching
c) consistently wins awards for teaching
d) national/international recognition for teaching and/or course development

II. Research, Creative and Scholarly Activities Category

1. Basic Criteria

a) has identified areas of interest in research or scholarly activity
b) initiates research activity consistent with role in department and in CHM
c) co-authors one paper in peer-reviewed journal every two years
d) participates in research project headed by a colleague faculty principal investigator
e) participates in grant application
f) demonstrates a scholarly approach to his/her participation in research, development, training or evaluation activities

2. Distinguished Criteria

a) acts as principal investigator on research project
b) has been lead author for one paper in a peer-reviewed journal every two years
c) has been co-author in one paper in a peer-reviewed journal every year
d) authors book chapters or review articles in area of expertise
e) has obtained external grant support for research
f) presents scholarly work at national and/or international conferences
g) asked by peer-reviewed journals to review scholarly work of others

3. Outstanding Criteria

a) leadership in department/college/university research efforts
b) consistently wins grant support for scholarly work
c) national/international recognition for research/scholarly/creative work
d) editor of peer reviewed journal

III. Public Service and Clinical Service Category

1. Basic Criteria

a) fulfills assigned department duties in public service/clinical service
b) complies with professional standards in clinical care
c) participates in community service
d) participates in quality review procedures
e) communicates well with patients and staff

2. Distinguished Criteria

a) recognized as excellent clinician by colleagues/staff/patients
b) above average participation in clinical work
c) takes leadership role in community service
d) participates in staff supervision/training
e) participates in peer evaluation
f) innovator in clinical practice
g) receives external recognition for clinical service and/or public service

3. Outstanding Criteria

a) wins awards for clinical practice
b) leadership role in department or college clinical service programs
c) wins public service award by community or external organization
d) national and/or international recognition for clinical work or public service

IV. Committee and Administration Category

1. Basic Criteria

a) serves on department, college and/or university committees
b) regularly attends department meetings
c) provides service in support of department/CHM committees

2. Distinguished Criteria

a) takes leadership role on department, college and/or university committees
b) above average participation in administrative work
c) appointed or elected to significant administrative post
d) participates in fellowship for leadership development

3. Outstanding Criteria

a) national/international recognition for administrative work
b) wins awards for administrative achievements
c) leadership role in college and/or university administrative efforts